In this newsletter we will give you a short update of the work we did the last couple of months: we've moved office, we have free https security on our website for all our customers, speed improvement of the databases, six tips about the security on your mobile devices and a request not to cooperate with scamming domain sellers.
And if you're a Dutch citizen please don't forget to sign for the referendum about the Sleepwet (dragnet surveillance law)!
The Greenhost team
Greenhost moved!
A moving company that drives on green energy drove our moving boxes, desks and computers from the centre of Amsterdam to Buiksloterham: an area in Amsterdam Noord that is full of development. Read more about our new, sustainable office.
A safe website, for everyone!
Greenhost has done much work to ensure that all the websites of all our customers can easily get a secure https:// connection. The certificates for this have been made available by Let's Encrypt. Would you like to have a green lock next to your URL? Learn to activate the security with our instructions.
Six security tips for your mobile devices
Smart phone operating systems give you little control over your own data by default. But with minimal effort you can control your own data and your mobile devices. Follow these six tips to keep data-gathering advertisement companies outside your door. And you will protect yourself better against the Sleepnet (dragnet) surveillance
To cache or not to cache, that's the query
We have stopped the caching of our MySQL databases so websites have a faster response time. Read more about the technical details in this blog post.
Don't be fooled by scammers!
We regularly receive calls from distressed customers. They were called with the claim that someone is interested in the .com-domain name of their registered .nl-domain name. They were told that as the owner of the .nl-domain name, they are entitled to register the .com-domain name once, before the other party does so. If they wouldn't, they would never be able to get the .com variant in the future. Don't fall for it! Scammers try to sell (too expensive) domain names this way.
Coming soon: create your own VPS Cloud
Greenhost will get a new system for its VPS Cloud before the end of the year. Soon, customers will be able to create a VPS via the Cosmos Service Center themselves. You only pay for what you use, rather than the specifications of a standard contract. Keep an eye on our blog for more information!
Save the world, click here!
In addition to matters directly related to Greenhost, we want to use our newsletter for other things that concern us too. Despite knowing that the world cannot be saved with a click, we come across petitions or expressions that we would like to draw extra attention to.
Greenhost is against collecting personal information and for maintaining privacy. Therefore, we ask Dutch citizensto sign here for a Dutch referendum on the Sleepwet.
If the law continues to exist, Greenhost will of course continue to do everything to ensure that we can't, or don't have to share your data.