Make changes to configuration

Changes in your configuration can be made through our Service Centre.

Add or reduce allocated memory

Adding or reducing the allocated memory for your VPS is done in three steps:

  1. Firstly, you need to turn the VPS off.
    • In our Service Centre go to VPS Cloud -> VPSs.
    • Click Manage VPS for the VPS you want to make changes to
    • Go to the tab Console and select Turn off to shut the VPS down. (In rare cases a VPS will get stuck "turning off", in those cases Force off can be used, this has a high risk of introducing corruption in the disk image so it's best avoided).
  2. After turning your VPS off you can edit the configuration on the tab Configuration -> Update VPS.

  3. When you restart your VPS, the change in memory is directly effectuated.

Expand disksize

Note: While memory can both be expanded and reduced, adding extra disk space is a one-way operation: Once disk space is expanded, it is not possible to shrink it again.

  1. You can expand the disk size through our Service Centre under VPS Cloud -> Disk Images. Click Manage for the image you want to grow. You can directly change the disk size and press Save.

  2. After expanding the size of your image through the Service Centre you need to reboot your VPS.
    - Select VPSs through the menu and click Manage VPS for the VPS you want to make changes to.
    - Go to the tab Console and select Turn off to shut the VPS down. (In rare cases a VPS will get stuck "turning off", in those cases Force off can be used, this has a high risk of introducing corruption in the disk image so it's best avoided).
    - After it has turned off, you van reboot the VPS by clicking Turn on.

  3. The disk is now bigger, but the file system on the disk is still the same size. To actually use the extra space we need to grow that to fit the size of the disk. In order to do that, you need to log-in on the VPS via SSH.

Optional: You can use the command lsblk to see the disk size(s), you can use this to confirm that the change in disk size was successful.

  1. Since we are using an XFS file system, growing the file system is done with the following command:

xfs_growfs /

Make sure to run this command as root. After successfully running this command you should now be able to use the extra diskspace.

Optional: You can verify the new size of the file system with the command: df /

If xfs_growfs isn't installed yet you may have to perform this command first to install the required binary:

apt-get install xfsprogs