Register changes

Please keep your personal account with us up-to-date to guarantee good and rapid service with us. It is especially important (please read our terms and conditions) to make sure you are reachable on the primary e-mail address you provide us with during the duration of the agreements you have with us. Adding a phone number to your account is strongly advised.


Administrative changes

When logging in as admin in our Service Centre you will find an overview of all the account details under the tab 'Administration'. The Dashboard there shows the contact data and contact persons known to us as well as an overview of your current contracts and recent invoices. Clicking the tab 'Edit' will give you the ability to change your contact details.

Administratie-Dashboard-kies bewerk gegevens Dashboard of Administration page in the Service Centre

Tab 'Edit'

The tab 'Edit' gives access to the general account data, contacts and addresses by clicking the corresponding text (in blue). Here you can change the details. Don't forget to click the blue 'Save' button when you are finished. If needed you can also add contacts and/or addresses with the green buttons.

General contact

When you become customer with Greenhost, the applicant automatically becomes the primary contact. When the account is created on behalf of a company or other organization, we assume that the applicant is authorized to act on behalf of this organization. This person is also responsible for keeping the contact details up to date. You can change the general contact by editing de current general contact and the corresponding details in the 'Edit' tab (under the 'Administration' tab).

Lock account details

We offer the possibility to lock (protect) the account details, because our customers sometimes share the credentials for the admin user with others within their organization or with a third party — for instance a web designer. You can lock the account information by clicking the black 'Lock' button.

When the details are locked, it is not possible to change them. A green 'Unlock' button is visible.

Beware: your account details are not locked by default.

Unlock account details

If you only see a green 'Unlock' button on the 'Edit' tab, your account details are locked. To unlock your data, please proceed as follows:

  1. Click the green 'Unlock' button

  2. Click the blue button 'Send a new token' in the appeared dialog box

    An email will be sent to the primairy contact address with a token that is valid for 24 hours.

  3. Retreive the token from the sent email

    No email with token? Please check your spam folder.

  4. Enter the token in the dialog box and click the green 'Unlock' button

    You are now able to edit your contact details.

When you are ready, you could lock your data again with the black 'Lock' button.


If you are unable to login and change the account details we will gladly help you personally. For this we would like to receive an e-mail on from the contact person known to us.

It is not always possible for the known contact person to contact us, for instance when this person has left the organization. In such cases we can change the contact details on initiative of a demonstrable authorized representative.

In that case we will need the following documents:

  1. Valid identification of the authorized representative.
  2. Proof of the authorization of the representative, like an abstract from the CCI.
  3. A declaration in which you confirm:
    • That you are legally authorized to act on behalf of the concerning company.
    • That you safeguard Greenhost from responsibility regarding damage and/or losses cased by this change.
    • That you agree with the transfer of the entire account to a different contact person. Please include the following details:
      • Name
      • E-mail address
      • Telephone number

Internal disputes

It may happen that multiple parties contact us, claiming to act on behalf of the owner. In this case we will freeze the account entirely and disallow any changes until the customer has provided clarity.

Cancelling agreements

To cancel your contracts with us, please log in to our Service Centre as admin and go to "Administration" → "Contracts". You'll find an overview of your current contracts with us.

By clicking the pencil or the contract number of a contract, the contract overview will become visible. In this overview you'll find the button "Terminate contract…". After confirmation of the termination a confirmation email will be sent to the known primary contact.

Change of ownership

If you would like to transfer your domain and hosting package to a different owner we would like to receive an e-mail from the current contact person with the new contact details enclosed. When the transfer is confirmed by the new owner we will assign the management of the account to the new owner.

For the transfer we need the following details:

  • Which domains/hosting packages it concerns
  • Name of the new owner (this can be an individual or an organisation)
  • Name contact person
  • Address
  • Postal code
  • City
  • Land
  • Telephone number
  • E-mail address