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This weblog brings you news on Greenhost and recent developments in the areas of sustainability, privacy, web hosting, Internet and anything else we think is relevant.

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Spam bomb, powered by your website?

Mainly by using WordPress sites and newsletter sign up forms a huge amount of unwanted email is being sent. In most cases the owners of these sites don't know they are contributing to this problem.

In the rest of this blog post we will look at the reason for this abuse, how you can see if you are contributing to this problem too and how you can prevent it.

Unwanted email sent from hosting packages

Recently we've been getting more complaints (via Feedback loops) about unwanted emails being sent from the web hosting packages of our customers. We always look into these complaints seriously.


Making Greenhost even greener

Since Greenhost was founded we have made as many "green" choices as possible. We started by working together with EvoSwitch, continued by buying second hand furniture and developed a shared hosting environment that is extra energy efficient. But at Greenhost we do not only want to be greener than the other companies. We want to be as sustainable a company as we can be!

That is why we have created a permanent team of employees that will dedicate themselves to keep the "Green" in "Greenhost. We have identified the following as important next steps:

  • Yearly reporting of our energy usage

Reason for Outage 12 February 2018

What follows is a relatively detailed and technical description of the reasons for the outage. Because we understand not everyone wants or understands this much detail we added a simpler and shorter summary of the problem:

There was a problem with the devices (switches) that regulate the (redundant) internet (network) connections to our data centre. In trying to solve this isolated problem unfortunately a feedback loop occurred that clogged the multiple connections.

We have multiple connections going to the data centre to prevent losing access to our machines, however this issue managed to...


Greenhost is sponsoring browser plug-in Art Up Your Tab

Art Up Your Tab is a browser plug-in for Chrome and Firefox. After installing the plug-in you will get to see a new art piece or archive documents from Europeana every time you open a new tab in your browser. With every image there is a possibility to read more information about the piece.

The plug-in is designed to inspire, surprise, inform and get internet users acquainted with European heritage. Digitalised collections are even more visible and it takes only one mouse click to get familiar with cultural heritage. Greenhost is pleased to sponsor innovative ideas to make heritage more visible...


Time line update severe CPU Intel bugs

As you may have read or heard, the Register announced several severe security problems with Intel processors, which are affecting nearly all computers with modern Intel processors (link below). This means an emergency maintenance window is scheduled from tomorrow onwards (January 4th), which can lead to downtime for your website or Virtual Private Server(s) outside the normal maintenance window. Please see below for more details.


From now on you can't send any unidentified e-mails from a non-existing email address

To meet the standards we did a necessary update on our SMTP mail server on the 21th of December. This means that from now on you can't send any unidentified emails from a non existing email address. The exceptions to this are the following types of addresses: webmaster@…, noreply@…, no-reply@…, wordpress@…, cron@…, and root@….

Do you still want to use a non existing e-mail address you can simply add a wildcard/catch-all email address. When that is set, all the emails to addresses on this specific domain will be accepted and email can be sent from all possible addresses.
You can create a wild...


Greenhost Newsletter Autumn 2017

In this newsletter we will give you a short update of the work we did the last couple of months: we've moved office, we have free https security on our website for all our customers, speed improvement of the databases, six tips about the security on your mobile devices and a request not to cooperate with scamming domain sellers.
And if you're a Dutch citizen please don't forget to sign for the referendum about the Sleepwet (dragnet surveillance law)!

The Greenhost team

Greenhost moved!
A moving company that drives on green energy drove our moving boxes, desks and computers from the centre...


Find more blog posts on our Dutch website

Greenhost moved!

A moving company that drives on green energy moved our boxes, desks and nucs from the canal to the Buiksloterham. An area in Amsterdam North that is in full growth. Slowly plants are arriving and we are starting to get used to our view over the hundred meters broad Johan van Hasselt canal.

Sustainable building

Patch22 is energy neutral and mainly made of renewable materials. It has special glazing and heat recovery units. The roof has sedum covering and solar panels and rainwater is collected and reused in a greywater system. Surplus electricity is returned to the electricity grid. Required...


Watch out for domain fraud!

Already in June 2016 we posted a blog about domain fraud (in Dutch). Lately we are again receiving several phone calls from customers because scammers are trying to sell them a domain. Don't buy it!


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